Why are We Hard-Wired for Stories?

Why are We Hard-Wired for Stories?
Most of us learned at some point about , the ancient Greek concept that tragic stories give us a kind of emotional cleanse, which is meant to explain the enduring appeal of tragedies—a reason Achilles...
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Starting Over, with Curiosity

Starting Over, with Curiosity
What connotations do the words “starting over” have for you? I realize now that I used to hear them as cringe-worthy, a consequence of failure. Maybe it goes back to school days, when jumping the gun,...
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Withstanding the Heat of Unknowing

Withstanding the Heat of Unknowing
Uncertainty seems to be a defining quality of life these days everywhere I look, from my own circle to the international landscape, and even to the survival of life itself. The inescapable unknowing c...
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For Writing’s Sake

For Writing’s Sake
“No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it.”  - Karl R. Popper Karl Popper was not referring to fiction when he said th...
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“What is your blog about?” A justification. I think.

The question is completely legitimate and likely innocent (and of course reminds me how much I hate the word blog). Yet I can receive the query as a request for justification—maybe because I have aske...
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